Skin Boosters Plinest

What is Plinest?


Plinest is a revolutionary skin regeneration and rejuvenation treatment that utilizes pure and high-quality polynucleotide (PN) gel. Developed in Italy, this gel is made from DNA fragments collected from Italian Trout Fish using Mastelli’s HPT technology. It has biochemical, hydrating, and viscoelastic properties that can improve fibrous tissue regions like scars and stretch marks, making it the innovative game-changer in scar and stretch mark treatment.

Plinest can also stimulate dermal bio-revitalization and collagen repair, giving you better skin brightness, improved skin texture, and enhanced skin elasticity. This results in a healthier and more radiant appearance, making it ideal for treating dry skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines on your face, and reversing the signs of skin aging.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that Plinest can improve the overall health of the skin from the inside out. It can help to reverse the signs of aging by stimulating bio-revitalization, and it can also repair damaged skin by stimulating the production of fibroblasts and collagen. Additionally, it can increase hydration and elasticity, resulting in a more luminous and smooth complexion. Ultimately, Plinest can help to enhance the overall appearance of the skin.

What Are The Benefits Of Plinest?

It Replenishes Collagen

Collagen is necessary for the skin to remain elastic and strong, as well as to avoid wrinkles. It also helps to keep the skin hydrated, forming a shield against damaging environmental factors. Research has also revealed that collagen can help to reduce the signs of aging on the skin.

It mends damaged skin and tissue

The skin is constantly subjected to elements that can harm its condition, from the skincare products we use to the sun's damaging UV rays. Acne and hyperpigmentation are just some of the skin issues that can cause damage. Plinest is an effective solution to reverse the damage caused by these factors, and may even diminish the look of melasma, restoring your skin's smoothness and perfect appearance.

It preps the skin for menstruation

Plinest helps you get ready for your period by providing your skin with the hydration and nourishment it needs to stay healthy and vibrant. This treatment helps to prevent rashes, acne breakouts, and dryness, so you don't have to worry about your complexion looking dull and lifeless.

It could reduce the appearance of stretch marks

Plinest offers a solution to those who wish to reduce the visibility of stretch marks on their skin. This treatment works by stimulating the body's natural collagen production, which helps to repair and restructure the skin, resulting in a smoother, more even complexion. With this procedure, patients can feel more confident in their own skin, as the appearance of stretch marks is significantly reduced.

Before & After

PICO Laser
PICO Laser
PICO Laser
PICO Laser


How many sessions do I need?

Some may notice a change after a single session, but usually it takes three to achieve the desired results.

Is there any downtime?

Injections may cause slight discoloration, swelling, and bruising at the site. Recovery time may vary from individual to individual, but typically lasts 3-5 days.

When can I see the results from the Plinest treatment?

Fibroblast generation is a process that may take some time. It is not immediate, and it won't occur directly after the Plinest treatment. Generally, it takes a minimum of one week after the initial treatment to observe effects, and enhanced outcomes may be seen after multiple treatments.

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