
Type of Acne Scars

Acne scars can be classified into several types based on their morphology and characteristics. Atrophic scars are the most common type, accounting for 60-70% of all acne scars. These scars are characterized by depressions in the skin, which can be further classified into three subtypes.

Ice pick scars are a type of atrophic acne scar characterized by deep, narrow, V-shaped indentations on the skin’s surface. They are typically less than 2 mm wide and can extend deep into the dermal layers of skin, often resembling enlarged pores. Ice pick scars are caused by severe inflammation associated with nodular acne, which can lead to skin perforation and the formation of these deep, narrow holes.

Boxcar scars are atrophic acne scars with a round or oval-shaped appearance, well-defined edges, and deep vertical sides. They can range from superficial to deep, depending on the amount of skin atrophy caused by inflamed and infected acne lesions. Boxcar scars are typically wider than ice pick scars and resemble chicken pox scars.

Rolling scars are shallow, soft depressions that become more noticeable when skin ages and loses its elasticity. They are characterized by a wavy, uneven appearance caused by tethering from the dermis to the subcutaneous layer. Rolling scars are the widest but shallowest scar type and rarely reach down to the reticular dermis.

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